Source code for kirjava.utilities

"""Useful functions."""

import io
import mimetypes

[docs]def execute(url, *args, headers=None, **kwargs): """Sends a GraphQL request without the user haveing to make a dedicated :py:class:`.Client` object. :param str url: the URL to send to. :param str message: The query to make. :param str method: By default, POST requests are sent, but this can be\ overriden here. :param dict headers: Any additional HTTP headers. :param dict variables: Any GraphQL variables can be passed here. :rtype: ``dict``""" from .client import Client client = Client(url) if headers: client.headers.update(headers) return client.execute(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_files_from_variables(variables): """Takes a variables objects and looks to see if any of the values are file objects which need to be sent separately. :param dict variables: the variables to inspect, or ``None``. :returns: ``(variables, files)``""" if not variables: return variables, None files, new_variables = {}, {} for k, v in variables.items(): if isinstance(v, io.IOBase): files[k] = v new_variables[k] = None elif isinstance(v, list) and len(v) and isinstance(v[0], io.IOBase): files[k] = v new_variables[k] = [None] * len(v) else: new_variables[k] = v return new_variables, files
[docs]def files_to_map(files): """Takes a files dict and creates the map dict needed by the GraphQL file upload spec. :param dict files: the files dict. :rtype: ``dict``""" map = {} for k, v in files.items(): is_list = isinstance(v, list) l = v if is_list else [v] for i in range(len(l)): map[str(len(map))] = [f"variables.{k}.{i}" if is_list else f"variables.{k}"] return map
[docs]def pack_files(files): """Takes a files dict and packs them into a HTTP sendable form. :param dict files: the files dict. :rtype: ``dict``""" packed_files = {} for file in files.values(): l = file if isinstance(file, list) else [file] for f in l: packed_files[str(len(packed_files))] = (,, mimetypes.MimeTypes().guess_type([0] ) return packed_files
[docs]def create_response_error_message(response): """Works out what to say about a response that isn't JSON. :param response: The HTTP response object. :rtype: ``str``""" content_type = response.headers["Content-type"] try: content = response.content.decode() except: content = None message = f"Server did not return JSON, it returned {content_type}" if content and len(content) < 256: message += ":\n" + content return message